DOTZ DD2.JZ – “Takata safety harness in the DD2.JZ”

Green Takata harnesses!

In this part of the DD2.JZ series, the two technicians Christian and Daniel use the newly arrived 6-point harnesses from the manufacturer Takata. The green belts are part of the future design concept. To be able to install them in the vehicle, the two have to improvise again.

Takata safety harness in the DD2.JZ

First and foremost, the two technicians examine potential mounting points in the interior of the DD2.JZ, where they can attach the new Takata safety harnesses. The 6-point harnesses consist of shoulder and cut straps. These two elements must be mounted in the vehicle via self-welded mounting plates.

Takata safety harness in the DD2.JZ

The shoulder straps can be mounted behind the seats via a welded-in steel tube in the former loudspeaker recess.

Takata safety harness in the DD2.JZ

Christian secures armed with a water sprayer the underbody of the DD2.JZ against potential fire, while Daniel’s welding the mounting points in the interior.

Takata safety harness in the DD2.JZ

After all the work has been completed for the harnesses, the two secure the provisionally installed safety cell to the body. In the next part of the series, the two will begin with the design of the interior.

Stay tuned to check out the latest weekly news about the exciting DD2.JZ project!

Further information can be found here on the main page of the DOTZ DD2.JZ project.

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